Monday, June 22, 2015

In Our Center

I promised last time that I would talk about connecting to our center. People usually give me strange looks when I talk about the different ways I stay connected with my center and keep my energy levels up! I've had to try many different things over the years after being in a car accident that left me in massive pain and extreme fatigue for over a year, finally I have found some tools and strategies that work for me.  As my client, I like to talk about the strategies that will fit you best! It took me awhile to be able to now share them with my clients. As a strategist I keep a pretty big tool box with me at all times! The first and best tip is to get focused and clear on where it is you want to go  and when I say clear I mean crystal clear! What do you want? When do you want to achieve this by? And how will you know you have reached that goal? That's the first step, then I suggest writing out your top 10 or 20 every day, twice a day. Brining focus to that with crystal clear intentions is the key to  acheiving your outcome.

Joanne Hughes is a Strategist and Lifestyle Coach that can be found on Facebook or emailed at

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Going with the flow.

I thought I would start my first blog with the title going with the flow as I started this blog years ago and I am only now getting it up and running! I guess I was going with some other flow at the time and now I am back where I started! Also, keeping with the theme I named the title of this blog "when negativity draws you in!" I only meant to title this blog that, not the basis of my entire content! I will go with the flow of it as I can't change it now! What's my point here? Well, isn't it true that every day without fail, something will come up too challenge us? Something that you don't expect may happen? Like you are on your way to work in the morning and you get a flat tire! You certainly didn't need that when you were running late for that most important meeting this morning! It did however, happen! It only helps to sort it out, it doesn't help to swear, curse, jump up and down and throw things at the person behind you! I guess you go with the flow! Breathe, pick up the phone call AMA and take a moment to relax! Go with the flow! When you can can do this, you have a very strong center and it makes it easier to deal with challenge when it comes up! Connecting with our center is an important skill and tool that a lot of adults lack! I will talk about that in many next blog post, right now I need to get outside because its beautiful and I like to connect with people! Remeber, learn to be strong like a tree bending in a flexible way throughout the day as challenges blow through you and bend your branches, allow pain to move through you and leave, fear and doubt moving through you etc! Enjoy the day!